Boundary County is a great place for business!
Located Along The Kootenai River…
Our businesses have been growing and expanding. We have a place for your business.
The Boundary Economic Development Council (BEDC) is a public development council that seeks to assist businesses in every aspect of development.
The BEDC board consists of local area leaders who are ready to assist a new or existing industry in identifying opportunities, anticipate problems, answer questions and find solutions for relocation and expansion efforts. The BEDC will work with any and all companies to ensure that they are providing with all of the available resources to move their business here.

We seek to assist businesses in every aspect of development.
This includes the expansion of current businesses by assisting them in business plans and identifying financial resources that might be applicable to their expansion. The Council works with a variety of financial institutions to ensure companies have the financing they need to grow. The Council will work with a variety of financing options that includes the SBA and USDA. We also will assist businesses in finding a new location to do business in the County. Boundary County Economic Develop does work with other state agencies to ensure they have the key resources to expand within the County.
Boundary County
One of the greatest assets is our people.
We are privileged to have a skilled workforce and who are community minded. You will find people who have resided in the area for generations and are loyal employees. We have a secondary education program that has a career technical educational (CTE) program which allows employers to have an available work force to staff their company. Employee output is high as a direct result of loyalty and work ethic. Idaho also has a workforce development training fund that can help offset the costs of training new employees for your business, so you’ll have a team trained and ready to work once you arrive in the State.
The Jewel of the Gem State
Boundary County
We are privileged to have a skilled workforce and who are community minded. You will find people who have resided in the area for generations and are loyal employees. We have a secondary education program that has a career technical program which allows employers to have an available work force to staff their company. Employee output is high as a direct result of loyalty and work ethic. Idaho also has a workforce development training fund that can help offset the costs of training new employees for your business, so you’ll have a team trained and ready to work once you arrive in the State.